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WhatsApp // Social


WhatsApp Social

Here are some cool things I’ve been working on
as a team lead for WhatsApp’s social channels.



We wanted to get the word out about WhatsApp’s new-and-improved privacy features. So we thought, why not put up a sign talking about those features?
Better yet, do we know anyone who’s like, a, professional sign-holder? Maybe someone with a lot of followers or something? You get the idea.


Pride Doodles

For Pride month 2022, we wanted pass the mic to some talented folks in the LGBTQ+ community by letting them speak(and design) for themselves. We partnered with them to create some really amazing social wallpaper designs and got to hear what pride meant to them—what went behind their process, what inspired their creations. These ‘Pride Doodles’ were posted on WhatsApp’s social channels and preserved on Instagram highlights so people could save them and celebrate pride in their own way as well.